MALHM will now offer a new fellowship program to help peers help peers. At least two $250 scholarships will be awarded to MALHM members this year to attend training or workshops and share that knowledge with their colleagues in Minnesota. Participants will be required to present a session on the annual MALHM conference.
The next deadline for application is Sept. 1. Applications will be reviewed by the Board quarterly to determine if the topic meets membership needs. Applicants should write a letter of request to the Board via email. Indicate the conference or workshop name, date and how you would use the information. Deadlines are: March 1, June 1, Sept. 1 and Dec. 1. In March, the Board awarded its first scholarship to Lindsey Rindo, Education & Outreach Coordinator for the Goodhue County Historical Society, to attend SPARK! Conference at the Milwaukee Public Museum in Milwaukee, WI this November. SPARK! is a cultural program for individuals with early to mid-stage memory loss and their care partners. The Goodhue County Historical Society plans to build the SPARK! program at the History Center.
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He's traveled thousands of miles around the state of Minnesota to support local history museums. Now, he'll be traveling a 1,381 miles more to pursue a career opportunity in El Paso, TX. Help us bid farewell to David Grabitske, Minnesota Historical Society Local History Services Manager and a champion for local history groups throughout the state. The Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums invites the local history community to attend a Farewell Open House for David Grabitske on Thursday, July 13, 4 to 7 p.m. at the Dakota County Historical Society, 130 3rd Ave N, South St. Paul. Please send memories or photos for public display to MALHM Coordinator Marci Matson by Tuesday, July 11. Cards or private greetings may be mailed to the MALHM office, PO Box 23554, Richfield, MN 55423; mail will be forwarded to David. |
December 2019