Due to the rising costs of producing events like the annual conference, our registration rates have increased slightly for 2025. The MALHM Board carefully considered similar events and past conference costs when setting the new rates. MALHM is committed to keeping the annual conference as accessible as possible for Minnesota history organizations and their staff & volunteers.
Registration Rates for 2025 Conference
Registration Type | Early Bird (Dec 1, 2024- Feb 28, 2025) | Full Rate (March 1 - April 11, 2025) |
Full Conference- MALHM Member | $160 | $175 |
Full Conference- Nonmember | $190 | $205 |
One Day- MALHM Member | $110 | $120 |
One Day- Nonmember | $130 | $140 |
Student | $80 | $90 |
NOTE: Registration will not be available after April 11, 2025, and is not possible on-site.
Interested in registering a group? Email Alliance Coordinator Liz Koele at liz@mnhistoryalliance.org
Conference registration:
Sessions, exhibit hall, breakfast, and lunch on Wednesday & Thursday
MN History Awards program & Annual Meeting
Wednesday evening mixer (Tuesday mixer not included– add Pre-Conference or Evening Mixer Guest to attend)
Single Day registration:
Sessions, exhibit hall, breakfast, and lunch on Wednesday OR Thursday
Annual Meeting (Wednesday) or MN History Awards program (Thursday)
Pre-Conference Day
Participate in the pre-conference event on Tuesday, April 22! Event typically includes local tours, talks, and Tuesday evening mixer.
Evening Mixer Guest
A guest pass for one or both evening mixers (Tuesday and/or Wednesday), no other meals or activities included.
Lunch Guest
A guest pass for lunches, no other meals or activities included.
Guest Meal Pass
A guest pass for all breakfasts, lunches, breaks, and mixers.
Cancellation Policy
Registrants may transfer registration to another person at no additional cost– please email the Alliance Coordinator to complete. There is a $15 fee for all cancellations postmarked before 3/28/25 and a $30 fee for all cancellations postmarked after. No cancellations postmarked after 4/14/25 will be accepted. Written copy of the cancellation is required and can be emailed or mailed.
Code of Conduct
The Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums (MALHM) is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all conference participants, MALHM staff, and volunteers. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, presenters, volunteers, exhibitors, MALHM staff, service providers, and others are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct and agree to respect it by registering and attending.
MALHM does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form, including, but not limited to:
Intimidation or unwanted attention based on race, ethnicity, color, nationality, religion, age, class, ability, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or identity, appearance/presentation, physical disability, and other characteristics or identitites;
Threats of acts of violence;
Suggestions of retaliation by the harasser if the harassed person(s) reports;
Deliberate misgendering
Unwelcome sexual attention, including unwelcome comments or dialogue of a physical or sexual nature or unsolicited physical contact;
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise discriminatory jokes or language
Sustained, non-constructive disruption of programming
If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, MALHM encourages you to inform the Alliance Coordinator (Liz Koele- liz@mnhistoryalliance.org or 612-500-7460) or a member of the Board of Directors so that we can take appropriate action.
Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. MALHM reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary or appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and MALHM reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future event.
(Adapted from policies drafted by other professional associations, including NCPH and AASLH)
Photo Release
By registering for the MALHM Annual Conference & Meeting, you authorize MALHM to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or video that may pertain to you– including your image, likeness, and/or voice. MALHM may use this material in advertisements, recruitment materials, or for other related endeavors in print and online, including the MALHM website and email correspondence.
(Adopted from AASLH "Waiver & Photo Release")