Mutual Assistance
History organizations can face a variety of disasters– from damp walls creating mold in your collection, to a fire raging through your building with people inside.
The first step to being prepared for the unthinkable is creating an Emergency & Disaster Response Plan. As part of your plan, count on the support of your peers through MALHM's Mutual Assistance program!
Mutual Assistance Line
Need some help? Call the Mutual Assistance Line at (612) 208-3150! Volunteers on the MALHM Mutual Assistance Team can help find the supplies, equipment, and volunteers you'll need to respond to your disaster.
Emergency Supply Caches
Free supplies & equipment to respond to disasters and emergencies! Strategically spread across the state, all local organizations should be within 1.5 hours of an emergency supply cache.
Contact the MALHM Mutual Assistance Team or call the Mutual Assistance Line (612-208-3150) to get access.
Learn more about the caches in the video below!
MALHM works to provide educational opportunities useful for emergency response & mutual assistance. Examples within the last year include Wet Salvage Trainings & Emergency Plan Writing Workshops. Stay tuned for future offerings!